Customer service is there to drive one thing - Customer Loyalty!
Developing customer service skills creates the silent sales force - a team of people who deliver outstanding service to the customer and through their behaviour play a vital part in customer retention and attracting new business.
The Customer Service Map defines four levels of customer service:
1.Customer Loyalty
2.Customer Delight
3.Customer Satisfied
4.Customer Dissatisfied
Any business that wants to retain and develop customer relationships has to achieve ‘customer loyalty’.
Don't be complacent if your customers tell you they are “satisfied”:
•67% plus of customers who chose a new supplier said they were satisfied with their former supplier. (Harvard Business Review: Dr. Frederick Reichheld)
•85% of customers who said they were satisfied also said they were willing to try other suppliers. (University of Texas: Dr. Robert Peterson)
Professional Metamorphosis is committed to facilitate your organisation to providing exceptional levels of customer service. Our knowledge and experience help us design customised programs that set standards and develop people throughout the company to deliver outstanding customer service.The key principle embedded in all of our programs is that everyone in the company is responsible for customer service – the person who ‘touches’ the customer owns the company image at that moment! and that customer service is as much an attitude as it is a skill.
Get in touch with us to know how we can facilitate the overall development of a professional customer service culture in your management , staff and organisation